Jim Frey built Burro Brand into a trusted and well-respected company that has provided quality contractor grade sawhorses for over 45 years.
Jame Frey grew up around Burros since birth. He also studied business in college, and today has his hand in everything Burro Brand from saws to business and more.
Dave Shipp manages the shop and the amazing Burro crew. He ensures all of our Burros ship out on time and in top shape – and he has for over 25 years.

Genuine Burro Brand: An American Made Sawhorse Company
Jim Frey started building and distributing Burro Brand sawhorses over 45 years ago. He didn't have a manufacturing plant or a top level crew of employees yet – just a desire to build a genuine American product with integrity, quality and craftsmanship. By 1978, with occasional help from family and friends, Jim grew Burro Brand into a well-respected local company that saw Burros being sold in over 20 lumber yards throughout the San Diego, CA area. But that was only the beginning! Within 10 years Burro Brand sawhorses became available in national Home Improvement Centers across the west.
Fast forward to today - Burro Brand has expanded into two American manufacturing plants that service the entire USA and abroad, all while taking pride in remaining the small family business that Burro Brand still is today.
Our Relationships
At Genuine Burro Brand, we value our relationships with our customers. We strive to provide excellent customer service and build long-lasting relationships with our clients.
With over 4 decades of experience in the woodworking industry, Genuine Burro Brand has the knowledge and expertise to provide top-notch sawhorse products for everyone.
Genuine Burro Brand takes pride in being accountable for the quality of our products. We stand behind our products and ensure that they meet the highest standards of quality and durability.